Residential Computing @ Bloomsburg Unversity

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Requesting an Ethernet Port

Students who desire an Ethernet (wired) connection must first submit a request via ResLife's Ethernet request. Ethernet request are subject to a ResLife fee of $50 per academic year.   

Once the connection is requested, Res Life submits a charges (currently $50) to your MyHusky account.  Payments can be done online or at the Bursar Office.  The cost for a wired connection covers fall and spring semesters unless the student moves to a different room. Requesting a connection after moving to a new room results in a new charge.

All requests go to the respective Grad Assistant of the dorm/apt.  If there is any missing info they will check with student requesting the connection.

NOTE: The link (below) will show Access Denied until you login with your student ID  

Request an Ethernet connection